The Queer Yeshiva

The Queer Yeshiva has created something never seen before in the UK: rigorous, immersive, radically inclusive Jewish learning through an explicitly Queer lens.

Rabbi Lev is helping someone tie on their tfillin. The person tying is wearing a white tallit and glasses. Their arm is wrapped in tfillin but their hand is not. They are fixing on the head box.

The Talmud is a beautiful and subversive text at the heart of traditional Judaism. Created by radicals who wanted to reinvent their religion, it teaches people how to think outside of binaries and assumptions. But for years, this sacred knowledge has been kept locked up by elite straight, cisgender men. We want to break it open.

Someone's butt in pink jeans, flagging with a white hanky with a QY logo on it stuck in the back pocket.

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Jo, Hava, and Lev are sitting around tasty Palestinian food and smiling at the camera.
